¿Has oído? Select Cloud CMA reports are now available in Spanish! You can read the press release here. All franchise themed CMA and Buyer Tour reports can be generated in Spanish during the customize step of creation.
At W&R Studios (creators of Cloud CMA) we are passionate about providing you with the tools necessary to effectively prospect, serve clients, and look awesome in front of them. The addition of our Spanish feature is just one more way that we empower you to showcase your talents.
Are you bilingual? ¡Fantástico! Imagine the time you’ll save when you hand a client your Cloud CMA report in Spanish. No more time spent translating from your MLS handouts; your client will have a plethora of information they can easily reference and share. With Cloud CMA Spanish reports, your prospect pool just might overflow!
Si usted es bilingüe, se agradecería mucho su ayuda con la gramática y la sintaxis de las ediciones.
Spanish is just the frontrunner for our Cloud CMA Language initiative. Maybe it’s not practical in your business, is there another language that would be? We are always open to suggestions and ways to improve. You can email us at feedback@cloudcma.com.
Check out a Cloud CMA Sample Report in Spanish: Spanish CMA Sample
Below is a short instructional video on how to print reports in Spanish.
Some technical notes:
- Only CMA and Buyer Tour reports in the Franchise Themes report sets can currently publish in Spanish.
- In this first release, MLS labels, data, remarks and features are still in English.
- “Custom Themes” provided by your broker are not in Spanish.